Ruff 'n' Tumble Job Vacancies



Ruff 'n' Tumble is an indigenous premium brand for quality children’s clothing, shoes and accessories. The brand was founded by Adenike Ogunlesi in 1996 as a solution to the unavailability of quality kids’ clothing and to showcase the possibilities that abound in Nigeria. We are thought leaders in retail fashion and in the kids’ fashion space, creating well-tailored garments that are fun, on trend and colorful; giving children extreme confidence when worn.Ruff 'n' Tumble is an indigenous premium brand for quality children’s clothing, shoes and accessories. The brand was founded by Adenike Ogunlesi in 1996 as a solution to the unavailability of quality kids’ clothing and to showcase the possibilities that abound in Nigeria. We are thought leaders in retail fashion and in the kids’ fashion space, creating well-tailored garments that are fun, on trend and colorful; giving children extreme confidence when worn.

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