Machakos University Job Vacancies



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Machakos University was founded in 1957 as a Technical Rural Training School by the then colonial Government. It was converted into Machakos Technical and Trade School in 1958, Machakos Technical School in 1967, and Machakos Technical Training Institute in 1987. The Institution was upgraded to Machakos University College through Legal Notice No. 130, on 16th September, 2011. The journey towards achieving a full University status started in earnest right at the inception. Machakos University was founded in 1957 as a Technical Rural Training School by the then colonial Government. It was converted into Machakos Technical and Trade School in 1958, Machakos Technical School in 1967, and Machakos Technical Training Institute in 1987. The Institution was upgraded to Machakos University College through Legal Notice No. 130, on 16th September, 2011. The journey towards achieving a full University status started in earnest right at the inception.
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