Securex Agencies (K) LTD Job Vacancies



Company size1000+ people
Securex is the leading regional security provider for technology-driven security solutions across East Africa. Founded and headquartered in Kenya in 1970, the company has grown in stature and now has offices across Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. Having started as a family business, the company is built on strong family values demonstrated by the team of experts and professionals who will do whatever it takes for all stakeholders interacting with the Securex brand. We specialize in technology advanced security solutions, tailored to suit varying needs across all sectors. In line with business demands driven by our rapid growth, we are looking for qualified, highly competent, talented and results driven individuals to fill the following key position.Securex is the leading regional security provider for technology-driven security solutions across East Africa. Founded and headquartered in Kenya in 1970, the company has grown in stature and now has offices across Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. Having started as a family business, the company is built on strong family values demonstrated by the team of experts and professionals who will do whatever it takes for all stakeholders interacting with the Securex brand. We specialize in technology advanced security solutions, tailored to suit varying needs across all sectors. In line with business demands driven by our rapid growth, we are looking for qualified, highly competent, talented and results driven individuals to fill the following key position.
Jobs at Securex Agencies (K) LTD

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