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5 Simple Tips To Prepare For Your Job Interview

Rehearsing boosts confidence and eloquence.

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Rehearsing boosts confidence and eloquence.

Applying for a job can be a daunting task at times. Imagine going through a rigorous process that requires you to do an aptitude test and then on the day of the interview, you end up looking like a deer caught in the glare of an intruding pair of headlights. Remember, you never a second chance to make a first impression.

Here are 5 simple things you will want to do in advance to prepare for a job interview: -

1. Study your resume

Generally, your resume is what you use to communicate your value to employers. Your resume, therefore, is what the interviewer will use to get to know you. An interviewer is likely to pick information from your resume and ask you to elaborate. This is arguably the most crucial step in your preparation for your interview.

2. Research the company and position you are applying for

You would not want to be caught napping in case an interviewer asks a question about the company. If you get the questions asked about the company right, it shows that you not only put effort into preparing for the interview but also have an interest in working for the company. You will, therefore, stand a better chance of landing the job.

3. Practice your answers to common interview questions

Rehearsing boosts confidence and eloquence. You should prepare for common questions like ‘Tell Us About Yourself.’ Research and find out what the common interview questions are then get a friend who you can rehearse with.

4. Pick your outfit

What you wear during the day of the interview is also a crucial part of the interview. Often, what you wear can inform passersby of your type of employment, as well as your ambitions, emotions, and spending habits. Your attire can be the difference between getting the job or not so make sure that you dress appropriately and have the necessary accessories to go with it.

5. Be on time

It is often said that those who are masters of their time live simple lives. Arriving on time will make you less nervous and enable you to rest in quiet meditation as you wait for your time.

Written by

Kelvin Mokaya

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