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Characteristics of good personal brand.

Be clear about what your brand is about. 

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Be clear about what your brand is about. 

Photo credit: Dellon

Great names like Churchill, Bob Collymore, John C Maxwell have something in common. They are known brands because of the personalities behind them. They wield a certain kind of respect and influence in their spheres of influence. They are also known experts in their respective fields. Churchill is known for comedy, the late Bob Collymore was known for being the face of Corporate Kenya while John C. Maxwell is known for corporate leadership.

That is known as personal branding. According to social media examiner, personal branding is a relationship with you, an individual who exists separately from your company. You can establish a personal brand even as you work in your company. Branding expert Janet Machuka advises individuals on the characteristics of a good personal brand. She lays out the following characteristics as pointers of a good personal brand practice.

1. Clarity

Let it be clear what you are all about and what you specialize in. As stated earlier when you hear Dr. James Mwangi for example you know that his field is in banking.It is clear that he is the face of successful banking in Kenya. Your personal brand needs to stand for something. When your name appears somewhere the people will connect what you do immediately before any explanation.

2. Values

This is about what you stand for. Janet also advises people to also build their monetary value because it determines how much you are worth being paid. Good personal branding will elevate your worth such that clients will formulate a higher budget for your services.

3. Be Human

You need to be relatable. People want to follow someone who is approachable and speaks like humans. Don’t be aloof. Be social and interact with people in the various platforms that we have.

Read more from Janet Machuka’s blog here.


Written by

Kelvin Mokaya

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