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Not actively looking for a job? Still Look at Job Ads

Job listings enlighten you on what employers are looking for and enable you to have an overview of what you need to later get that position you desire.

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Job listings enlighten you on what employers are looking for and enable you to have an overview of what you need to later get that position you desire.

You know those emails you regularly get from Fuzu with jobs you might be interested in? You should read them religiously, this is why. Keeping your eyes and ears open can lead to positive results.

Passively looking for work means you are coming from a place of power when you are approached by a potential employer. Being comfortable in your current role means any employer will have to convince you as to why you should join them. You get to evaluate different employers even before you get to decide to apply for a job (note, as a company interviews you, you as well interview them).

What are the advantages of looking at job listings even when you are not actively looking for a job?

You get a career goal

When you look at job listings you will notice trends that are relevant to your career path and this will allow you to have a goal in mind of what is required for that next position. When you finally decide to start looking for work you do not want to find out you missed out on getting the relevant experience and exposure that is needed for that higher level you are attaining to get simply because you are not aware. This will definitely kill your confidence.

Piece together what you need now or later

Job listings enlighten you on what a potential employer is looking for and this will allow you to have an overview of what you will need to later get that position you desire.

It is easier to find a job when you have a job

Many will attest to the fact that when you are unemployed it becomes harder to sell yourself to a potential employer as compared to when you have a job. Guess what? It’s better to check out now than later if that position you are eyeing for is vacant.

Bottom line is, by always checking job listings you will have a list of jobs so that when you start your job search you will not have to start at zero. You will also have a clear understanding and vision of where you want to go, qualifications you need as well as a strong list of areas to start looking. Lay a great foundation to finding the next job you’ll love.

Written by

Kelvin Mokaya

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