Kenya Trade Network Agency Job Vacancies



Kenya Trade Network Agency (KenTrade) is a State Corporation under the National Treasury established in in January 2011 to establish, implement and manage the National Electronic Single Window System (KenyaTradeNet System) and to facilitate trade. Kenya TradeNet System is an online platform that serves as a single entry point for parties involved in international trade and transport logistics to lodge documents electronically, for processing, approvals and to make payments electronically for fees, levies, duties and taxes due to the Government, on goods imported or exported in the country. Kenya Trade Network Agency (KenTrade) is a State Corporation under the National Treasury established in in January 2011 to establish, implement and manage the National Electronic Single Window System (KenyaTradeNet System) and to facilitate trade. Kenya TradeNet System is an online platform that serves as a single entry point for parties involved in international trade and transport logistics to lodge documents electronically, for processing, approvals and to make payments electronically for fees, levies, duties and taxes due to the Government, on goods imported or exported in the country.
Jobs at Kenya Trade Network Agency

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