The Dexterity Group Job Vacancies

Company size50-100 people
The Dexterity Group is a Multi-dimensional organisation which works internationally providing products and services in the Media, Education and Business Support. The Dexterity Group recognises that the quality of its staff and their contributions represent its most significant asset in fulfilling its mission. We wish to attract staff who are keen to join and who, once here, will feel proud to be contributing to our success. In return we aim to ensure that the career and personal potential of staff is rewarded, recognised and developed in a properly resourced and supportive environment.The Dexterity Group is a Multi-dimensional organisation which works internationally providing products and services in the Media, Education and Business Support. The Dexterity Group recognises that the quality of its staff and their contributions represent its most significant asset in fulfilling its mission. We wish to attract staff who are keen to join and who, once here, will feel proud to be contributing to our success. In return we aim to ensure that the career and personal potential of staff is rewarded, recognised and developed in a properly resourced and supportive environment.

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