Wellspring College Job Vacancies

Wellspring College is a model school established in 2003 by astute and seasoned academics and education administrators who commonly share the vision of returning standards to the nation's educational system. We harness every opportunity to give our students sound spiritual, academic, mental and social development. We are committed to providing a challenging, dynamic, relevant and coherent curriculum, which promotes lifelong learning and produces responsible, independent critical thinkers and learners who act ethically and confidently in their personal career and community life. Wellspring College is a model school established in 2003 by astute and seasoned academics and education administrators who commonly share the vision of returning standards to the nation's educational system. We harness every opportunity to give our students sound spiritual, academic, mental and social development. We are committed to providing a challenging, dynamic, relevant and coherent curriculum, which promotes lifelong learning and produces responsible, independent critical thinkers and learners who act ethically and confidently in their personal career and community life.
Jobs at Wellspring College

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