Case Hospital Job Vacancies

Case Medcare is a Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) that provides affordable health insurance to its clients. It is a limited company duly registered by the Insurance Regulation Authority of Uganda. Case Medcare started as a small HMO and has grown over the years to provide affordable health insurance plans to many organizations. Case Medcare provides individual, family, and group (corporate) health insurance plans. These plans are Client-centered, Affordable, Safe, and Effective in reducing the out of pocket payment burden that leads many households to financial catastrophe. Case Medcare is assisted by affiliated health care facilities all over the country including Case Medical Center in providing the health care services in accordance with the agreed health insurance plans.Case Medcare is a Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) that provides affordable health insurance to its clients. It is a limited company duly registered by the Insurance Regulation Authority of Uganda. Case Medcare started as a small HMO and has grown over the years to provide affordable health insurance plans to many organizations. Case Medcare provides individual, family, and group (corporate) health insurance plans. These plans are Client-centered, Affordable, Safe, and Effective in reducing the out of pocket payment burden that leads many households to financial catastrophe. Case Medcare is assisted by affiliated health care facilities all over the country including Case Medical Center in providing the health care services in accordance with the agreed health insurance plans.

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