Abt Associates Job Vacancies

Company size1000+ people
It was more than 50 years ago—on January 12, 1965—that Clark Abt started on his journey in a small Cambridge office to create a place where innovation, bold thinking and creativity could tackle the toughest social issues of the day. Almost 50 years later, Abt Associates has grown into a global company of more than 2,300 employees with offices around the world. Although the company has changed and grown far beyond its early days, one thing remains constant: Abt’s mission to improve the quality of life and economic well-being of people worldwide.It was more than 50 years ago—on January 12, 1965—that Clark Abt started on his journey in a small Cambridge office to create a place where innovation, bold thinking and creativity could tackle the toughest social issues of the day. Almost 50 years later, Abt Associates has grown into a global company of more than 2,300 employees with offices around the world. Although the company has changed and grown far beyond its early days, one thing remains constant: Abt’s mission to improve the quality of life and economic well-being of people worldwide.
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