Bayimba Foundation Job Vacancies


Arts, design

Company size20-50 people
Bayimba is a multiple-branched organization that focuses on uplifting arts and culture in Uganda through cultural exchange and creativity. We host high-quality arts festivals, offer training and workshops for aspiring artists, and facilitate creative development. We strive to reach as wide an audience as possible, reaching all age groups and income levels. Bayimba is unique in its multidisciplinary approach combined with its engaging efforts to “explore and experience”.Bayimba is a multiple-branched organization that focuses on uplifting arts and culture in Uganda through cultural exchange and creativity. We host high-quality arts festivals, offer training and workshops for aspiring artists, and facilitate creative development. We strive to reach as wide an audience as possible, reaching all age groups and income levels. Bayimba is unique in its multidisciplinary approach combined with its engaging efforts to “explore and experience”.
Jobs at Bayimba Foundation

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Arts, design

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