Bodawerk International Ltd. Job Vacancies



Company size20-50 people
BODAWERK's key value proposition is its focus on designing, prototyping, and building state-of-the-art battery packs within Uganda's borders. The battery is an enabler for further innovations being developed in-house, including Electric -Boda’s, Tractors, Wheelchairs, etc. We are adding value across Uganda by building synergies across sectors creating demand for Ugandan electricity, stabilizing the grid, and providing options for proprietary domestic battery technology to industry partners instead of costly or sub-standard imports. Our ability to develop solutions locally has enabled us to train individuals and therefore establish a wide skill base within our company. (Ranging anywhere from software development to metal fabrication) We believe in the following set of core values and these are a requirement for any Applicant: Integrity Motivation Willingness to learn Having arrived in 2021, the applicant's Software-Affinity is more relevant than ever. No job description that fits you, but the company profile has piqued your interest? Feel free to get in touch via the Fuzu platform. BODAWERK's key value proposition is its focus on designing, prototyping, and building state-of-the-art battery packs within Uganda's borders. The battery is an enabler for further innovations being developed in-house, including Electric -Boda’s, Tractors, Wheelchairs, etc. We are adding value across Uganda by building synergies across sectors creating demand for Ugandan electricity, stabilizing the grid, and providing options for proprietary domestic battery technology to industry partners instead of costly or sub-standard imports. Our ability to develop solutions locally has enabled us to train individuals and therefore establish a wide skill base within our company. (Ranging anywhere from software development to metal fabrication) We believe in the following set of core values and these are a requirement for any Applicant: Integrity Motivation Willingness to learn Having arrived in 2021, the applicant's Software-Affinity is more relevant than ever. No job description that fits you, but the company profile has piqued your interest? Feel free to get in touch via the Fuzu platform.

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