Catholic Relief Services Uganda Job Vacancies

Company size1000+ people
Catholic Relief Services' began working in Uganda in 1965 through outreach from CRS Kenya to provide emergency relief to Sudanese refugees. Relief assistance continued throughout the 1980s as Rwandan and Congolese refugees flowed into Uganda to escape internal conflicts. In the mid-1990s, CRS opened the Kampala Office to assist the Ugandan people as armed conflict broke out between the Lord's Resistance Army rebel group and the Government of Uganda.Catholic Relief Services' began working in Uganda in 1965 through outreach from CRS Kenya to provide emergency relief to Sudanese refugees. Relief assistance continued throughout the 1980s as Rwandan and Congolese refugees flowed into Uganda to escape internal conflicts. In the mid-1990s, CRS opened the Kampala Office to assist the Ugandan people as armed conflict broke out between the Lord's Resistance Army rebel group and the Government of Uganda.

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