CBS PEWOSA Job Vacancies

CBS PEWOSA was born in April 2009 with the main objective to mobilise, sensitize, train and equip groups of people (particularly women who make up 75%) in selected sub- counties with relevant skills in savings mobilisation, group dynamics, leadership skills, record keeping & management, business skills and credit management among others. It is envisioned that this will bring about improved quality of life for the people of Buganda and Uganda at large.CBS PEWOSA was born in April 2009 with the main objective to mobilise, sensitize, train and equip groups of people (particularly women who make up 75%) in selected sub- counties with relevant skills in savings mobilisation, group dynamics, leadership skills, record keeping & management, business skills and credit management among others. It is envisioned that this will bring about improved quality of life for the people of Buganda and Uganda at large.

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