National Housing and Construction Company Ltd (Uganda) Job Vacancies



Company size500-1000 people
National Housing and Construction Company Ltd (NHCC) is a 53-year old entity, first founded as National Housing Corporation, a fully owned government corporation, which was established by an Act of Parliament (Cap 321) of 1964. National Housing and Construction Company Ltd is Uganda’s leading housing developer and its mandate is to increase the housing Stocks in the country, rehabilitate the housing industry and encourage Ugandans to own homes in an organized environment.National Housing and Construction Company Ltd (NHCC) is a 53-year old entity, first founded as National Housing Corporation, a fully owned government corporation, which was established by an Act of Parliament (Cap 321) of 1964. National Housing and Construction Company Ltd is Uganda’s leading housing developer and its mandate is to increase the housing Stocks in the country, rehabilitate the housing industry and encourage Ugandans to own homes in an organized environment.

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