

Media, communications, languages jobs in Nyeri, Kenya



Karatina University

Corporate Communications Officer

Nyeri, Kenya

County of Nyeri


Sound / Electronic / Electrical Technician

Nyeri, Kenya

County of Nyeri


Clerical Officer II

Nyeri, Kenya

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County of Nyeri


Public Communications Officer III

Nyeri, Kenya

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© Fuzu Ltd 2024

Corporate Communications Officer

Closing: May 27, 2024

8 days remaining

Published: May 8, 2024 (11 days ago)

Job Requirements


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Job Summary

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Job Requirements for Appointment

  1. Master’s Degree in a relevant field from a recognized institution.
  2. At least six (6) years relevant work experience
  3. Good knowledge of Information Communication Technology
  4. Membership registration with a professional body


Job Requirements for Appointment

  1. Master’s Degree in a relevant field from a recognized institution.
  2. At least six (6) years relevant work experience
  3. Good knowledge of Information Communication Technology
  4. Membership registration with a professional body

  1. Supervise all staff under him/her.
  2. Liaise with media (coverage of all University functions)
  3. Write, edit and distribute various types of content, including material for a website, press releases, marketing material and other types of content that take the message to the public.
  4. Oversee, prepare and contribute stories, photos and editing of the internal newsletter
  5. Coverage of University activities (both video and photography)
  6. Ensure posting of all advertising both internally and externally (media houses)
  7. Ensure Media monitoring and evaluation and advice University Management accordingly.
  8. Organize and coordinate University exhibitions and marketing activities.
  9. Responsible for development and implementation of the strategic plan for all departments (for all HOD’s)
  10. Maintain a database of media organizations and contacts within them.
  11. Manage the company’s or organization’s social media communications.
  12. Regularly meet with and conduct interviews with media personnel.
  13. Create and produce Annual newsletters for the organization.
  14. Develop and maintain working relationships with journalists in multiple types of media outlets.
  15. Act as a spokesperson for the organization.
  16. Prepare and manage the organization’s communication budget
  17. Coordinate the implementation of Corporate Communication and Branding Policy;
  18. Establish and maintain continual information flows between the University and its stakeholders;
  19. Ensure prudent and efficient management and utilization of resources within the Corporate Communication and Branding Office;
  20. Lead on   brand building and   brand communications, including content  planning and reporting;
  21. Provide leadership in the conceptualization, planning and implementation of brand sensitization activities and supporting partners as needed.
  22. Developing and revising communication strategies,
  23. Scanning and assessing the internal and external environment, for issues that might impact the University Brand, and helping the University adapt to the information needs of its stakeholders,
  24. Devising mechanisms to enable Monitoring and Evaluation of the University’s Communication and Branding strategies.
  25. Any other duties assigned by the immediate supervisor.

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