Cloudflex Computing Services Limited Job Vacancies



Company size50-100 people
Who We Are After some in-depth research, market analysis, and speaking with some of our clients, we decided to rebrand from Comercio Cloud Computing Limited to Cloudflex Computing Services Limited as this will enable us to expand upon our services, accomplish local and global growth objectives, and to foster and develop new client relationships. This puts us in the position to be more competitive with current agencies and offer more capabilities to our clients. What this means for our existing clients is that its business as usual with more capabilities offered for you. We will of course continue to execute projects, with the same if not better and fun, brilliance, and professionalism you’ve come to experience. Changes have been made to our identity system, website, social media profiles, and our new visual brand signature.Who We Are After some in-depth research, market analysis, and speaking with some of our clients, we decided to rebrand from Comercio Cloud Computing Limited to Cloudflex Computing Services Limited as this will enable us to expand upon our services, accomplish local and global growth objectives, and to foster and develop new client relationships. This puts us in the position to be more competitive with current agencies and offer more capabilities to our clients. What this means for our existing clients is that its business as usual with more capabilities offered for you. We will of course continue to execute projects, with the same if not better and fun, brilliance, and professionalism you’ve come to experience. Changes have been made to our identity system, website, social media profiles, and our new visual brand signature.
Jobs at Cloudflex Computing Services Limited

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