Mzuri Sweets Ltd Job Vacancies



Mzuri Sweets Ltd has been proudly family-owned for over 23 years. The ultimate driving force behind our yearly growth is due to this independence and freedom derived through our heritage and expertise in manufacturing for over 40 years. We have inherited positive values that from the ethos of our company and we live by the motto that the livelihood of our much loved and dedicated staff should never stop. It is this compulsion and commitment that makes us strive for an ever-growing industry and continual investment in our internal and external organisation. Mzuri Sweets Ltd has been proudly family-owned for over 23 years. The ultimate driving force behind our yearly growth is due to this independence and freedom derived through our heritage and expertise in manufacturing for over 40 years. We have inherited positive values that from the ethos of our company and we live by the motto that the livelihood of our much loved and dedicated staff should never stop. It is this compulsion and commitment that makes us strive for an ever-growing industry and continual investment in our internal and external organisation.
Jobs at Mzuri Sweets Ltd

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