Technoprise Global Ltd Job Vacancies



Company size500-1000 people
Technoprise was founded with a people-first approach to empower organizations to design and build digital products and services that are inclusive to all. Technoprise is further committed to building digital accessibility research. To help resolve some of the challenges people face in Africa and other developing countries, Technoprise strives to broaden access to vital resources for people with disabilities, resources such as healthcare, education and financial services. There is a wide digital divide that can be easily bridged through effective accessibility strategies.Technoprise was founded with a people-first approach to empower organizations to design and build digital products and services that are inclusive to all. Technoprise is further committed to building digital accessibility research. To help resolve some of the challenges people face in Africa and other developing countries, Technoprise strives to broaden access to vital resources for people with disabilities, resources such as healthcare, education and financial services. There is a wide digital divide that can be easily bridged through effective accessibility strategies.
Jobs at Technoprise Global Ltd

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