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What you should look for in a job

The right job should bring you success and happiness.

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The right job should bring you success and happiness.

How do you if a particular job is right for you? Given that there are so many opportunities out there. It might get confusing to know which is the right fit for you. The right job should bring you success and happiness. But if you make a poor decision, through using information that is too simple or not based on research, it can damage your prospects, relationships and prosperity for many years to come. A job is not just a job it has to give you something in return. That is where most people get it wrong, don’t just accept anything because you are desperate, research before you decide. Because you may get stuck there for many years to come.

Here are the essentials that each job should offer you regardless of your career path? Well I believe a job should offer you at least one if not all these three things:


Almost all jobs have experience as a requirement when they are being advertised. All employers want a person who at least has an idea of what they are required to do and has a good track record. Don’t stay stuck in a place where you are not getting any experience in the field in which you want your career to go. Don’t get me wrong, keeping busy is very important but don’t waste too much time in a place where you . Experience can mean anything it can run from you learning to be patient, learn social skills or even learning to meet deadlines.Just because a job or internship is not in a field of your expertise doesn’t mean it's not getting you the experience you need.


At this time and age who doesn’t need money? They say money makes the world go round - which we totally agree with. If your job is not getting you any experience whatsoever, at least let it give you some cash. Money is important because you can raise capital to back to school or even better start your own enterprise. There is nothing more fulfilling than running your own business.


Your network can determine your worth in the world of employment. Sharpen your social skills, learn how to present and sell yourself to people. When your job or internship doesn’t give you either money or experience make sure it offers you networking opportunities where you can meet people who can propel you to the next level in your career.

So before you apply for any job or internship check if its give you these basics. Read, research, ask around and make sure you are taking the right steps in your life. 

This article was first published on CampusBiz, the leading career platform for students and recent graduates in Kenya.

Written by

Kelvin Mokaya

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