BRCK Job Vacancies

Company size20-50 people
We’re a team of software developers, engineers and technologists in Nairobi, where we build the tools for connectivity that we need ourselves. We’ve long asked ourselves why we use devices designed in Europe and the US, when we live in Africa, where they don’t fit our infrastructure needs – where electricity and internet connections are problematic in both urban and rural areas. BRCK is the only company in East Africa that has a full stack of engineering for products: electrical engineers, mechanical engineers, firmware and OS software teams, as well as full-stack cloud engineers. Beyond that, we have in-house design, user experience and product management, making BRCK a truly unique company in the region.We’re a team of software developers, engineers and technologists in Nairobi, where we build the tools for connectivity that we need ourselves. We’ve long asked ourselves why we use devices designed in Europe and the US, when we live in Africa, where they don’t fit our infrastructure needs – where electricity and internet connections are problematic in both urban and rural areas. BRCK is the only company in East Africa that has a full stack of engineering for products: electrical engineers, mechanical engineers, firmware and OS software teams, as well as full-stack cloud engineers. Beyond that, we have in-house design, user experience and product management, making BRCK a truly unique company in the region.

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