Emergency Response Africa (ERA) Job Vacancies

Emergency Response Africa (ERA) is a health tech start-up on a mission to provide medical care to emergency victims in Africa. Many African countries do not have access to an emergency system like 9-1-1, resulting in thousands of unnecessary deaths annually. We are determined to change that. ERA trains first responders and equip them with intelligent dispatch and communications technology and low-cost medical transportation to create a sustainable and scalable emergency medical system in Nigeria.Emergency Response Africa (ERA) is a health tech start-up on a mission to provide medical care to emergency victims in Africa. Many African countries do not have access to an emergency system like 9-1-1, resulting in thousands of unnecessary deaths annually. We are determined to change that. ERA trains first responders and equip them with intelligent dispatch and communications technology and low-cost medical transportation to create a sustainable and scalable emergency medical system in Nigeria.
Jobs at Emergency Response Africa (ERA)

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