Femost Homes Limited Job Vacancies



Femost Homes Ltd, is an indigenous real estate investment and portfolio Management Company, duly incorporated in the year 2018 with the RC1489971 as an incorporated operator in Nigeria. Beyond our concept of affordable luxury housing creation solution is a stronger sense of purpose for existence as a private corporate entity to assist all of our esteemed investors and clients, create wealth through our projects development, real estate investment and portfolio management. Our management team are made up of seasoned and competent professionals. To this end we have a proven track record of competence and a wealth of experience in the sector which has constructively over the years, designed the formation of our core competence and the profound knowledge of the industry at our disposal.Femost Homes Ltd, is an indigenous real estate investment and portfolio Management Company, duly incorporated in the year 2018 with the RC1489971 as an incorporated operator in Nigeria. Beyond our concept of affordable luxury housing creation solution is a stronger sense of purpose for existence as a private corporate entity to assist all of our esteemed investors and clients, create wealth through our projects development, real estate investment and portfolio management. Our management team are made up of seasoned and competent professionals. To this end we have a proven track record of competence and a wealth of experience in the sector which has constructively over the years, designed the formation of our core competence and the profound knowledge of the industry at our disposal.

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