Ramco Plexus Limited Job Vacancies

Company size50-100 people
Ramco Plexus is a family of 12 companies based in East Africa in the print and packaging sector. Amongst the 12 companies, our valued clients find every printing technology and printing possibility ranging from off-set print and packaging, digital print, flexo and gravure flexible packaging, corrugation, polystyrene, large format, POS solutions, branding, branded promotion gifts, apparel, labels and press supplies.Ramco Plexus is a family of 12 companies based in East Africa in the print and packaging sector. Amongst the 12 companies, our valued clients find every printing technology and printing possibility ranging from off-set print and packaging, digital print, flexo and gravure flexible packaging, corrugation, polystyrene, large format, POS solutions, branding, branded promotion gifts, apparel, labels and press supplies.

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