Sagemcom Job Vacancies



Company size100-500 people
Sagemcom is a leading European group on the high added-value communicating terminals market (set top boxes, internet boxes, electricity meters, etc.) that is based in France. Group turnover totals €1.3 billion, the headcount of 4,000 employees works in more than 40 countries, of which about 30% in France, and the group has been profitable since it was created. Sagemcom designs, manufactures and ships more than 22 million terminals worldwide every year.Sagemcom is a leading European group on the high added-value communicating terminals market (set top boxes, internet boxes, electricity meters, etc.) that is based in France. Group turnover totals €1.3 billion, the headcount of 4,000 employees works in more than 40 countries, of which about 30% in France, and the group has been profitable since it was created. Sagemcom designs, manufactures and ships more than 22 million terminals worldwide every year.

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