Tea Board of Kenya Job Vacancies





Company size500-1000 people

Tea Board of Kenya is a State Corporation established by an Act of parliament that was assented into law in December 2020 and operationalized on 11th January 2021. The mandate of the Board is to regulate, promote and develop the Tea Sub-Sector in Kenya. The Board is also the successor of AFA - Tea Directorate which was one of the Directorates that had been established under the Agriculture and Food Authority. Our Vision “To make Kenya Tea the preferred beverage of the world” Our Mission • “To sustainably develop and promote tea value chain through effective regulation for economic growth and transformation”. Our Core Values a) Integrity; b) Customer focus; c) Commitment; d) Responsiveness; e) Innovation and continuous learning; and f) Collaboration and teamwork. Mandate Regulation, development and promotion of the tea industry and connected purposes. Functions of Tea Board of Kenya:- (a) Develop, promote and regulate the development of the tea industry; (b) Co-ordinate the activities of individuals and organizations within the tea industry; (c) Facilitate equitable access to the resources, facilities and benefits of the tea industry by all interested parties; (d) Make recommendations to the Cabinet Secretary on the formulation of policies, plans and strategies for the regulation of the tea sector; (e) Register tea factories, small scale tea growers, medium scale tea growers, large scale tea growers, warehouse operators, tea packers, tea buyers, exporters, importers, tea brokers, management agents, tea auction organizers, commercial tea nurseries, commercial green leaf transporters; (f) License manufacturers; (g) Promote best practices and standards in the production, processing, marketing, grading, storage, collection, transportation and warehousing of tea; (h) Facilitate marketing and distribution of tea through gathering and dissemination of market information and monitoring of the local and global supply – demand situation; (i) Co-ordinate prioritization of research in tea; (j) Regulate the sale, import and exports of tea; (k) Develop, implement and coordinate a national tea marketing strategy; (l) Prescribe the maximum period and minimum amount for payment of green leaf; (m) Promote and advise on strategies for value addition and product diversification; (n) Promote demand and consumption of tea locally and internationally; (o) Identify market needs and trends and advise the Cabinet Secretary on issues related to national and international tea trade; (p) Collaborate with national and international trade bodies on tea related matters; (q) Monitor, conduct surveillance and enforce compliance with tea standards, this Act and any regulations made under it; (r) Advise the national government on levies, fees and import or export duties on tea; (s) Advise the county governments on agricultural cess and fees; (t) Oversee the efficient utilization of available Board’s funds; (u) Undertake capacity building, technology transfer and technical assistance to the counties on matters related to tea; and (v) Carry out such other functions as may be assigned to it by this Act, and any written law while respecting the roles of the two levels of governments.

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