Zenith Technology Limited Job Vacancies



Company size50-100 people
Zenith Technology Limited (ZTL) is an integrated IT security and infrastructure management company. A wholly indigenous company was incorporated in May 1996, ZTI specializes in delivering solutions aimed at protection and sustainability of IT infrastructure and systems across businesses, government ministry, departments & Agencies (MDAs), families, individuals and the society at large. ZTL software enable organisations to integrate solutions that allow for monitoring and surveillance of employee activities to prevent insider abuses and internal fraud; ensure employee productivity through bandwidth management; internet security solutions against external threat and anti-virus solution. In July 2014, ZTL signed a partnership agreement with Kaspersky Lab to become one of the key distributors in Nigeria. Kaspersky Lab is one of the fastest growing IT security vendors in the world. The company was founded in 1997 and today it is an international group operating in almost 200 countries and territories worldwide. It has 33 representative territory offices in 30 countries across 5 continents. Kaspersky Lab has a corporate client base of more than 250,000 companies located around the globe, ranging from small and medium-sized businesses all the way up to large governmental and commercial organizations. Over 300 million people worldwide are protected by Kaspersky Lab products and technologies.Zenith Technology Limited (ZTL) is an integrated IT security and infrastructure management company. A wholly indigenous company was incorporated in May 1996, ZTI specializes in delivering solutions aimed at protection and sustainability of IT infrastructure and systems across businesses, government ministry, departments & Agencies (MDAs), families, individuals and the society at large. ZTL software enable organisations to integrate solutions that allow for monitoring and surveillance of employee activities to prevent insider abuses and internal fraud; ensure employee productivity through bandwidth management; internet security solutions against external threat and anti-virus solution. In July 2014, ZTL signed a partnership agreement with Kaspersky Lab to become one of the key distributors in Nigeria. Kaspersky Lab is one of the fastest growing IT security vendors in the world. The company was founded in 1997 and today it is an international group operating in almost 200 countries and territories worldwide. It has 33 representative territory offices in 30 countries across 5 continents. Kaspersky Lab has a corporate client base of more than 250,000 companies located around the globe, ranging from small and medium-sized businesses all the way up to large governmental and commercial organizations. Over 300 million people worldwide are protected by Kaspersky Lab products and technologies.
Jobs at Zenith Technology Limited

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