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5 Common Fears of First-Time Managers and How to Conquer Them and Succeed

First-time managers face a lot of uncertainty, stress, and fears at the beginning of their leadership careers. How do they overcome it all? Let’s find out!

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First-time managers face a lot of uncertainty, stress, and fears at the beginning of their leadership careers. How do they overcome it all? Let’s find out!


As a first-time manager, I am sure you are excited about your role. However, I also know that you are drowning in self-doubt and stress. Transitioning from a contributor to a leadership role is not a walk in the park. Getting into a leadership role without experience might turn anyone into a hot mess. That’s why we want to let you know that you are not alone. Here are five common fears first-time managers experience at the beginning of their role and tips on overcoming them.

Common fears faced by first-time managers

1. Fear of saying no

It could be scary saying no to your juniors as a first-time manager, especially if you worked with them before getting the management role. On the other hand, it can also be scary to say no to your superiors. This is the time to ask yourself this question: Am I a people pleaser? Sometimes you have no other option but to be assertive. Otherwise, you will stretch yourself too thin and not live up to your promises and commitments.

How do you overcome this?

Be clear about your role, the mission, and work expectations. Once you have a clear vision of these, ensure your decisions align. If you go about your day saying yes to every task that hits your inbox, you have to go back to the drawing board and get your focus back on track. The clarity that comes with understanding your role will give you the strength to say no.

2. Fear of not being enough

Imposter syndrome is high on the list of fears we all have at some point in our careers. Unfortunately, it’s not something that goes away with experience or age. Therefore, you have to learn to push past self-doubt and do what you have to do regardless. 

How do you overcome this?

Stop giving in to self-doubt and focus on the team and its goals. Redirecting your focus away from yourself will help you keep busy and drown the negative thoughts. Stick to your schedule and make it your goal to lead your team effectively.

3. The fear of being uncomfortable

As a first-time manager, you are rarely prepared to deal with constant discomfort. Some people do not like being in uncomfortable situations, such as giving feedback to their junior colleagues. However, it is still part of the job, so you do it regardless of how you feel. Leadership roles have a way of pushing you out of your comfort zone and into the limelight. The good news is that it gets easier with time. Instead of jumping into the deep end, start by taking baby steps.

How do you overcome this?

Practice makes perfect! The more you practice being out of your comfort zone, the easier it will get. The anxiety attacks and stress will reduce with time. Just ease into it as slowly as you can manage.

4. The fear of not knowing enough

As a first-time manager, you have never had this role before, so it makes sense that you are afraid of what it comes with. Additionally, you might be walking into this role with a vision of how you are supposed to act and lead. Authority and power do not come with all the answers. Thus, you don't have to know everything as a manager. All you have to do is be willing to learn and receive constructive criticism. If you set the bar too high, you will not enjoy your new role and will most likely fail at being an effective leader.

Be more willing to say that you don’t know and accept you have some knowledge gaps. This will make it easier for you to seek assistance and receive constructive criticism at work.

How do you overcome this?

Take a pen and paper to note down the areas you are struggling with. Write down a list of resources and people you can consult to fill these gaps.

5. Stage fright

I have to admit that I also suffered from this at the start of my career. Some people love being in front of crowds, while others find it intimidating. As a first-time manager, you will have to get in front of groups of people, often clients, executives, or your team. Standing in front of groups of people is inevitable, so you have to find a way of managing stage fright.

How do you overcome this?

While you might experience stage fright years into your leadership role, realizing that everyone sitting before you is interested in what you say will help you stay calm. Alternatively, if you are still struggling with staying calm, enrol in online courses dealing with public speaking and effective communication. They will boost your on-stage presence and give you a self-confidence boost. Public speaking is all about effective communication. Therefore, if you polish your communication skills, you will have a more calm and resourceful presentation.



The bottom line is that no education or training can prepare you for a managerial role. Every management role you will experience as a first-time manager will be unique and will help you build your management skills. Most of the career development of first-time managers comes from their personal experience in different roles. Therefore, you are likely to make some mistakes along the way. 

The key is to pick yourself from the ground, shake off the dust, and learn as you go. Getting a mentor will soften the blows. Remember that as long as you carry out your responsibilities, you have nothing to be afraid of. Tell us in the comments below how your experience has been as a first-time manager.

Written by

Lilian Nerima Musonge

Nerima Musonge is a Lawyer who is passionate about Content Creation and Copywriting. She is constantly trying to broaden her artistic pursuits and find out how they can integrate with the law. When she is not squinting behind a laptop, she is mothering, cracking jokes, and living her best life

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