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Leadership Interview Questions You Must Ask

Interviewing for a managerial position? Here are important leadership interview questions you should ask.

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Interviewing for a managerial position? Here are important leadership interview questions you should ask.


When interviewing a candidate for a leadership role, there are several key components to look for to determine a candidate’s ability to lead. First, a successful manager should have strong communication and problem-solving skills. They should be able to effectively communicate their vision and goals to their team, and be able to think on their feet when faced with difficult decisions.

Second, a good manager should be able to motivate and delegate tasks to their team. They should have a clear understanding of the roles and responsibilities of each team member and be able to assign tasks accordingly. They should also be able to motivate their team to reach their goals and hold them accountable for their performance.

Third, a successful manager should be able to give honest and constructive feedback to their team in order to help them improve their performance. A competent manager should also have a clear understanding of the company’s goals and objectives. They should be able to develop strategies and plans to help the company achieve its goals, and be able to manage change when necessary.


So, what are some of the leadership interview questions you should ask potential managers? 

1. What is your leadership style?

Asking a candidate about their leadership style will help you determine whether or not they are a good fit for your company.


  • Leadership style in relation to the position: What is your leadership style? How will you lead others in this role? Are there any specific skills or traits that make up your approach?


  •   Leadership style in relation to the company: Do they have experience working with other departments, such as marketing or sales? How would their skills translate across multiple functions at one company, and how would they perform as a manager over time if given additional responsibilities/roles within an organization (e.g. project management)?


  •   Leadership style in relation to team members: Who are some key people on their team who could benefit from having someone like them around so that everyone has access to all kinds of expertise from different areas?


Read also: The 10 most common leadership styles and how to know and develop your leadership style


2. Ask the candidate to give an example of how their leadership will benefit your company

Asking the right leadership interview questions is a great opportunity for you to see if the candidate has the skills, experience, and temperament necessary for success in your role. To accomplish this goal, ask candidates about specific examples of leadership that they've experienced. Here are some questions you can ask:


  • Tell me about a situation where your leadership was challenged. - This question will help you determine whether or not they're able to handle pressure while leading their team members.


  •  Describe what kind of results you achieved as part of your team? - You want candidates who have had success leading because they were able to get things done. This question will also give insight into how well they work with others on tasks outside their control and whether or not they take pride in accomplishing tasks quickly and effectively.


  •  Describe what you think is the ideal work environment for producing the best results. How does your approach to leadership create that environment?


  • What are some of the challenges that come with leading a team and how do you handle them?


  • What are some of your greatest achievements as a manager, both personally and professionally? How did you achieve them, and why did it matter in terms of your role here at company x?


3. Leadership interview questions to assess the candidate's problem-solving skills

Ask the candidate to describe a time when they had to think outside the box. This will give you an insight into how the candidate approaches problem-solving, and how they find creative solutions to difficult problems. You could also ask the candidate to describe a time when they had to work with limited resources. This will give you an insight into how the candidate manages resources and how they use them to their advantage.


4. Questions to assess the candidate's understanding of the industry

It is important to ask candidates about their understanding of the industry. For example, "What do you know about our industry?" This will give you an idea of how they see the industry, as well as what they plan to do to help the company succeed in it. Another leadership interview question you may ask is "How do you see yourself fitting in at our company?"

Once you get a sense of how well each candidate understands the industry and its customers, you can determine if this person is a good fit. You can also ask questions about how a candidate views regulations and standards in different areas of business. Finally, ask candidates about their ability to work with others as part of a team; this will give an indication of how well they work with other people in order to accomplish tasks assigned by their superiors.


Read also: Do you have these 10 leadership traits to become the leader people admire and want to work for?



As you know by now, it's up to the manager to create a workplace environment in which teammates feel safe, encouraged to excel, and excited about their work. A good manager sets clear goals and standards, communicates effectively and thoughtfully, and creates a framework within which the team can accomplish its goals. These are all vital aspects of effective management—and they're all things that you will want to know about your candidate. We hope that you find these leadership interview questions helpful.

Written by

Phil Ibsen

Phill Ibsen is a creative writer, scriptwriter and a storyteller who believes in telling the story as it is and not as it should be. He is the founder of Master of Descriptions, a production company which aims in showcasing authentic stories. He’s also an affiliate writer at the Writers Guild.

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