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Career companion; why you can’t do without one

Everyone needs a career companion to ensure they step in the right direction and do not end up being stuck in a rut. It doesn’t matter what stage you are at in your career; from the first step you take to build your professional life, you will need a career companion all the way.

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Everyone needs a career companion to ensure they step in the right direction and do not end up being stuck in a rut. It doesn’t matter what stage you are at in your career; from the first step you take to build your professional life, you will need a career companion all the way.

The job market has become more competitive over the past few years – cutthroat to be precise, for both entry level and experienced professionals. Demand has outweighed supply in terms of the number of opportunities available. Talented candidates have been victims of this dire situation with some being denied opportunities to exhibit their skill and experience to interviewers due to not being the exact fit with a job description. Which is frustrating, don’t you agree?

Everyone needs a career companion to ensure they step in the right direction and do not end up being stuck in a rut. It doesn’t matter what stage you are at in your career; from the first step you take to build your professional life, you will need a career companion all the way. You might be wondering who a career companion is, let me enlighten you. Unlike a career mentor, a career companion establishes a life-long relationship with you and is always there holding your hand throughout your career journey.

The internet is undeniable a great resource especially when one is looking to develop their career. However, as much as there’s a lot of information online to be consumed, most of it is unreliable. You wouldn’t want to take a gamble on your career, would you? Thought so too, you are a smart one. What you need is a great career companion that has all the resources you need.

A career companion steers you in the right direction by pointing out what’s working for you and helps you get the job you want. This can be by showing you how to update your resume sharpening your interview skills or giving you tricks on how to switch your career. Resources provided by a career companion should help nature your abilities, draw out your passions and facilitate your progress to finding your dream career.

Do you want to make a smart career move? Get a career companion who will help focus on your career interests and goals. 

Written by

Kelvin Mokaya

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