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Customer Service Week: Celebrating Excellence in Service

You are an important part of our story, and to celebrate that, we are giving you a chance to win a free career coaching session

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You are an important part of our story, and to celebrate that, we are giving you a chance to win a free career coaching session

Customer Service Week is here! Happy customer service week to our esteemed customers and clients.

Customer service and the customer

Maya Angelou is famously quoted saying that people will forget what you said or did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. 

You can’t fathom where customer service agents draw the patience to deal with difficult and emotionally charged people. And when they ensure that you have received the help you need, they call you back to ask for feedback. Why? Because they care.

The essence of customer service is to make you remember the experience. Customer service professionals play a critical role because they resonate with your pain and humanize the service. This is the true definition of this year’s theme, ‘Power of Service’. That’s why we celebrate service excellence and the people who serve our clients and community of professionals every day. But of course, at Fuzu we think every week is customer service week!

We are grateful for the opportunity to serve you and be part of your career journey, and to celebrate that, we are giving you a chance to win a free career coaching session. Here's what you have to do to win:


  1. Like/follow our social media pages (Facebook, Instagram Kenya, Instagram Uganda, LinkedIn, Twitter Kenya & Twitter Uganda)

  2. Comment and let us know how career coaching will help you grow your career

  3. Share a question that you'd ask a career coach given the chance

The contest ends on Friday 8th October. Feel free to tag your friends and let them know of this awesome giveaway. Happy customer service week! (This customer service week contest has ended. Thank you to everyone who participated.)

Written by

Wahome Ngatia

Peter Wahome Ngatia is an all rounded Marketing Specialist who deals in Graphic Design, Social Media, SEO and Content Writing. My passion is to use my skills and knowledge to help African businesses grow and thrive so that we can create employment for the youth. I also want to churn helpful content that inspires millennials to go hard after their dreams. Mantra: You learn more from failure than success.

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