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Questions to ask during an interview

Did you know that most recruiters prefer someone who can ask them questions either during or after the interview? This shows you have interest in the role and the company you are hoping to join.

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Did you know that most recruiters prefer someone who can ask them questions either during or after the interview? This shows you have interest in the role and the company you are hoping to join.

Having searched for a job for long and you finally get that call to attend an interview is pure joy. You need to be prepared for all the general and technical questions the interviewer might ask. However, did you know that most recruiters prefer someone who can ask them questions either during or after the interview? This shows you have interest in the role and the company you are hoping to join.

During an interview, it is important to remember it is not about you but what the company can gain from you and succeed.

So then, what are some of the questions you should ask during an interview?

1.What qualities do your top performing employees have in common?

This shows that you are willing to learn, succeed and finally be among the great performer for them.

2.What do I need to do to exceed expectation during my first days?

This shows that you value being prepared and are ready to show them what you can do within a short time.

3.If I was to start tomorrow what would be my number one priority?

This question allows you to have an overview of how the role is and are interested in learning how to start off things on a high note.

4.Are there opportunities for fostering education or training?

This gives you an overview of what the company gives to staff to ensure they improve and advance in their careers.

5. What is the most important aspect culture of your company between this and that?

This is your chance to show you have done your research on the company but also based on the answer you get you can gauge the culture of the company

6.What do you love most about working for this company?

This gives you an oversight of the company and engaging the recruiter on a personal basis as they get to express themselves to you informally.

7.Is this a new position? If not, what happened to the previous employee?

Based on the answer you get you can measure the stability of the position you are applying to.

8.How would you describe a typical day or week for this role?

Guides on what to expect if you were to get the role.

9.Is relocation or travel a possibility for this role?

This is especially for sales and marketing roles which might require field work.

10.If I am extended the job offer, how soon would you like me to report?

This is to prepare yourself.

However, it’s important not ask any personal questions or questions that might show the recruiter that you are only interested on the benefits the company offers rather than the work you are supposed to be doing for the company.

Written by

Kelvin Mokaya

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