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Security tips for job search

Safety first. Please review the below points to make sure that you are using Fuzu and other online career services safely.

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Safety first. Please review the below points to make sure that you are using Fuzu and other online career services safely.

It is very important to us that our users are protected from scammers and illicit conduct of any kind. Therefore we are constantly monitoring the Fuzu website for any suspicious activity. As an example: employers wishing to post on our website are checked and validated manually. We also use HTTPS protocol to ensure the security of our nework connection. Among other things. Nevertheless, it is always good to remain vigilant.  

Please read the following important safety measures on how to protect yourself from fraud on Fuzu as well as any other career services you may use. 

1. Beware of employers who demand a downpayment for participating in the recruitment process. Also note that Fuzu never charges for applications or interviews. 
2. Always read the job description with care. Pay attention to any suspicious sounding statements that make you question the job poster's authenticity. For example, employers that are willing to hire on the spot without any interview. 

3. Never put any confidential information in your CV or cover letter, such as bank account details, National Identification Number etc.  

4. Keep track of your Fuzu login details. Never give your password out. (The password is sent to you in an email upon registration. In case you forget it you can reset it here.)

5. Beware of "amazing opportunities to earn big money working from home" type offers. While the dawn of the digital era has enabled location independent work, there are many scammers in this field who are just looking to charge you for further information, starting kits, product samples etc.      

In addition to the above, there are a number of ways modern scammers try to trick users. So keep vigilant! A good rule of thumb is: "If it sounds to good to be true, it probably is." 

Should you encounter anything suspicious while using Fuzu, please immediately report these to our Support Team via email: [email protected] or phone: 0 713 985 473



Written by

Paula Holst

Author did not provide description

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