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Why you deserve a holiday break

Giving yourself some time off from your work means you are practicing self-care, leading you to greater happiness, health and prosperity in the workplace and beyond.

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Giving yourself some time off from your work means you are practicing self-care, leading you to greater happiness, health and prosperity in the workplace and beyond.

Sometimes going for holidays can be fun and stressful at the same time. One is filled with different questions. How much work will pile up? Will I miss work? Should I take a holiday? Yes. Holiday is the best time to lower your stress levels and experience a totally different environment. The following are the reasons as to why you deserve a holiday break.

Need for distress. There is always need to rest simply because life is so busy. You may do this through mountain climbing, dancing or lying by the beach or pool. You need to have some good moments that will help you unwind and forget your worries.

Great time for the brain. Due to relaxation, the brain may end up coming up with innovative ideas since its given enough break. Your brain may end up offering life inspirations and new life encounter opportunities.

Quality time. Holidays act as a path to family meetings and events. You may end up attending family events, rekindling forgotten memories and also attending your friends’ functions. It’s hard to subject yourself to continuous work and miss a holiday when you clearly know your friends or family will be off to a certain adventure.

Increase job satisfaction. The thought that your employer appreciates the importance of you having some personal time makes you feel valued. It can also lead to better teamwork and boost everyone’s morale. Work is a collaborative effort, each employee is prepared to take on each other’s roles to allow each of them to have their time off, knowing that this is what will be done for them too.

Improves Your health. Taking a holiday is very good for your health. A research was conducted, and the response found was that those who fail to take annual holidays have a higher risk of death from all causes and are more likely to die of a heart attack.

In conclusion, giving yourself some time off from your work means you are practicing self-care, leading you to greater happiness, health and prosperity in the workplace and beyond.

Written by

Kelvin Mokaya

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