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How brands can maintain consistent growth online

They are always in our faces and have consistently furnished their followers and clientele with unending high quality content.

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They are always in our faces and have consistently furnished their followers and clientele with unending high quality content.

Photo Credit: Jon Tyson

Every successful brand we know like Safaricom, Google and others have one thing in common - they are always in our faces and have consistently furnished their followers and clientele with unending high quality content. They also have robust client relations strategies thereby making it easier for their clients to air out their grievances or recommendations with guaranteed feedback.

Janet Machuka, a digital marketing guru and brand advisor lays out some meaningful tips to help brands exist and maintain a consistent, winning online presence. Here are some of them:

Exist as a Brand
1.    Know your vision- Lay out clearly what you want to achieve online as a brand in order to build and maintain an online reputation. Get the basics like website, logo, name and a mission in place.
2.    Create stakeholder personas.
3.    Inquire feedback from your customers.
4.    Define your brand voice.
5.    Set your brand guidelines.

Get these and many more tips by Janet Machuka blog. Read more

Written by

Kelvin Mokaya

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