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4 Key Ways To Make Yourself a Better Job Candidate

Four great tips to follow to help you stand out from the pack as you go about your job hunt.

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Four great tips to follow to help you stand out from the pack as you go about your job hunt.

Photo Credit: Andrea

Ready to jump into a job hunt and improve your career? Job hunting can be quite the rat race, so it’s important to make yourself a competitive, well-rounded candidate. Here are four great tips to follow to help you stand out from the pack as you go about your job hunt.

1. Increase your skill set

In order to set yourself apart from the sea of applicants hungry for a new job opportunity, you’ll have to possess a wide variety of valuable skills. Soft skills generally relate to interpersonal relationships and your personal traits – they are valuable in every industry. Hard skills consist of the technical skills that are required to perform a specific job. For example, if you’re working as a graphic designer, you could augment your hard skills by learning new software and design tools. Increasing your hard skills makes you much more marketable to a variety of businesses. Every new skill you acquire is a valuable addition to your resume and will make you a competitive candidate as you apply for jobs. Who knows, your new skills could even provide you with even greater earning potential!

2. Practice good networking habits

It’s often said that in order to get a good job, it’s all about who you know. Consequently, it’s never too early to start networking. Attend local networking events in your area and update your social media profiles so that colleagues have an easy way to maintain contact with you. In addition, remember to maintain good relationships with your current boss and coworkers. You never know who may be able to help you further your career in the future.

3. Further your education

If you’re finding yourself stuck in a dead-end job, or you lack the educational credentials to receive a promotion in your current position, it may be time to head back to school to further your degree. Don’t worry if you don’t have the time or don’t live in a convenient location to attend in-person classes. Many higher education providers have implemented online programs for distance learning. You can pursue anything from a Bachelor of Fine Arts to a Masters in Civil Engineering online. With the implementation of remote learning, receiving a degree has never been more convenient!

4. Be truthful

As you apply to jobs, resist the urge to bend the truth and pad your resume. Job postings often list an employer’s ideal qualifications – typically, a candidate does not need to possess each of these qualifications. It’s more important to be honest about your experience and credentials than to fluff up your resume with skills or experience that you don’t possess. Employers who offer good jobs want to hire the best people, and they will likely verify whether the information you present is accurate. Start things off on the right foot by being truthful as you go about your job search.

No matter where you are in your career, you know that any job hunt is a competitive process. By following these tips, you’ll be sure to make a great first impression as you apply for jobs!

Written by

Kelvin Mokaya

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