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Why Do I Never Get Called for Interviews?

Not getting noticed by recruiters? Take a look at some of the questions you can ask a career coach.

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Not getting noticed by recruiters? Take a look at some of the questions you can ask a career coach.

I believe in the saying by Tim Sanders; ‘Your network is your net worth’. Social resources and interaction with people play a key role in your job search. I agree that the process of job-seeking is long and stressful. From writing your CV to fit your skillset to looking for matching opportunities in the right companies, it's evident that we invest a lot of time and resources into looking for jobs. It’s therefore heartbreaking to put all your energy into applying for jobs and not get called for interviews. How heartbreaking is this?

Why you need a career coach

A career coach is to a job seeker what a doctor is to a patient! Given their vast experience, the career coach knows the right buttons to push to get your dream job. I met Joan a few years ago at an online career fair. Before this, I did not know how important having a career coach is. A career coach gives guidance on the things you need to do like CV writing in order to secure a job.

Victoria is Fuzu’s Customer Experience Specialist. She has over 4 years of experience in supporting career builders to get their dream careers.  I understand that when you apply for a job, it can feel that the hiring process is cheating you especially when you do not get feedback. So, what exactly are you doing wrong? Why are you not landing your dream job? Below I have compiled a list of questions to ask a career coach.

Why do I not get called for interviews?

This should be a priority question. The goal of a job application is to get noticed by a potential employer and get an invite to discuss your skillset further. Asking this question will help you know what you’re doing wrong in your CV presentation. Always remember that your CV is your ambassador!

Why do I fail interviews?

We are not all naturally public speakers but interviews will test your best foot when it comes to selling yourself. You should ask your career coach this question in order to find out how you need to prepare for an interview and the main points you should focus on to sell your skills.

Why do I get regret emails?

Regret emails are annoying. However, you can avoid getting those heartbreaking emails by consulting expansively to know how to phrase your job application.

Why was I denied the job at the last minute?

You might be wondering why you got dropped at the last interview stage. Ask your career coach this question to know where you might have gone wrong in the interview process.

Do you have a question you'd like answered by a career coach? Share in the comment section below and our coach will respond. Your job search does not need to be stressful.

Written by

Belindar Momanyi

Belindar Momanyi is a communication professional and an avid believer in deliberately telling inspiring stories. When she is not writing, she is managing social media at HCDExchange

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