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How I found the perfect place to grow my career; Faith Mwangi – Product Trainer

You also must have interest because you wouldn’t want to be something that you don’t have passion for.

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You also must have interest because you wouldn’t want to be something that you don’t have passion for.

We tend to be victims of deadlines at times, always checking the time because we are on the clock. This however wasn’t the case when I caught up with Faith Mwangi. I was so engrossed in her story on how she’s come a long way to find her dream job at Big Square. Though she admits to being a shy person, Faith’s aura of confidence has helped her thrive at her role as a product trainer.

Here’s her story, along with her advice for job seekers.

Kindly introduce yourself

I’m Faith Wangui Mwangi, 27years of age and I’m a product trainer. I started as a pizza maker in Big Square. I joined Big Square on January 2016 and was promoted in October to be a pizza trainer. I’m currently the product trainer.

Taking you back to 2016, what attracted you to Big Square?

My journey to Big Square actually began in 2015 when I had just completed University. I applied twice to join Big Square but was never called. I never gave up, I applied for the third time and was called in for an aptitude test and an interview later.

What were your expectations vs the reality when you first joined Big Square?

When I first joined Big Square, I didn’t have expectations of growing fast.  But there was one person who trained me called Philip. There was this time he was training accountants, I looked at how he was conducting the training and got impressed. That sparked off my passion in training because I admired how he was doing it. He one day approached me and asked me if I could train one of the trainees. I was scared considering I had never done such a thing and how shy I was. I however went ahead and trained my first class and I’ve never looked back.  

How did you get over your fear of public speaking?

It’s all about getting used to doing something and having confidence in myself that I can teach and transform people’s lives.

You've worked in most areas of the restaurant e.g. the kitchen and the floor. What insights can you share about the wins and difficulties?

I’ll start with the challenges. One was not having the confidence to train people but I overcame that by conducting more trainings and interreacting with people. I realized getting to know my trainees helped me to understand their characters and learn how to engage them. The other challenge comes when I train somebody who seems to have a lot of potential but they quit almost immediately after being posted to their branch. The fun part for me is that I have ended up discovering my passion which is training.

Madam Loshni, has been like a mentor to us. We are so grateful to her for holding our hands and supporting us in our careers. She encourages me the most.  

In all the departments you’ve worked in, which one do you miss most?

The kitchen. When I applied here, they wanted me in the service area as a wait staff and not in the kitchen. I remember meeting this lady manager at Adlife Plaza who told me ladies don’t work in the kitchen. I told her I’ll be the first one to do that because I love cooking.

How important would you say continuous learning at Big Square is?

It is very important. Training for us is a continuous process. We’ve got both theory and practical classes, learning for us is fun.

On a personal level as a trainer, how do you stay on top of your game?

I’m always doing research and watching YouTube tutorials on different ways to cook. 

Walk us through your normal day as a Product Trainer.

I report to work at 8.00 AM. When I come in, I make sure everything is ready i.e. my training room. We start our sessions at around 8.30 AM after having our breakfast with the trainees. If it’s a practical lesson, we take the class to the kitchen. As a trainer you have to follow your timetable and schedule. 

What do you enjoy most about your current career and your position?

I mostly enjoy teaching and training people because I get to interact with new people. Apart from training, I like cooking and trying new recipes. And eating too, food is bae *chuckles*.

What’s that one thing you’ve learnt at Big Square that you’ve taken to heart?

I joined Big Square not knowing that one day I’ll be in such a position. One thing with Big Square is that they’ll always give you an opportunity to outgrow yourself from the junior level to management level. You’ve got to always be ready for such opportunities.

You also need to have fun at work and enjoy what you do because that’s where you spend most of your time.

For someone who is looking to join the hospitality industry, how can they best break into the field?

I believe it’s all about focus and knowing what you want. You also must have interest because you wouldn’t want to be something that you don’t have passion for. And learn how to come up with new ideas. If focused in this career you will achieve whatever you want.

If you were a burger square, what burger would you be? And why?

I would be a lamb square. I like it because it’s is hot and sweet. It is hot because of the meat and is blended in chili and spices. Barbeque sauce makes it sweet.

What are your career goals?

Career wise I would like to be more than a trainer, maybe an area manager. But I would also stick to training because this is something I’m used to and love.

Parting shot, what should guys hoping to join Big Square expect?

What we always tell our trainees is not to join Big Square only to stay for a short period of time. When I joined, I didn’t know I would be offered the growth opportunities that I got. This is the place to be, the directors are friendly and colleagues are very supportive. When you join Big Square, have an open mind and positive attitude.

Written by

Kelvin Mokaya

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