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Kaya Talent Recruiter - Dan Ndolo Reveals 4 Things You Should Know About the Interview Process

These tips are meant to help you be aware of what happens in the interview process.

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These tips are meant to help you be aware of what happens in the interview process.

Getting shortlisted as a top applicant for a position is a step closer to getting your job. The next stage is the interview process. While your CV is known to make the first impression, it is the interview process that allows the recruiter to identify whether you match up with your CV and cover letter.

The interview process is a multistage process for hiring new employees. The process helps the employer determine whether you are qualified for the job. The candidate also gets to decide if their values align with those of the company. It is crucial for candidates to know what the interview process entails. Interviews can be conducted in person, over the phone, via email, or virtually through video applications. It is common to attend two or three interview rounds. To understand more about the interview process, we get insights from a renowned recruiter, Dan Ndolo. 

CV best practices 

The CV is what enables you to get shortlisted for an interview - it gets your foot in the door. Here are some of the best CV practices that recruiters look out for: 

  • CV format - It should be appealing and easy to go through key details. Simplicity is key here.

  • Experiences & interests - They should be in relation to the role being applied for. Avoid irrelevant information that won’t be helpful in your assessment. 

  • CV length - Applicants with less than 5 years of experience should have 2-page CVs while applicants with no experience should have 1-page CVs. This applies to recent graduates or students who are getting into the job market.

Ideal candidates

With that in mind, there are certain ideal candidates that recruiters look for during the interview process. According to Ndolo, these are the qualities recruiters look for in an ideal candidate: 

  • Personality & how it fits the company - This is why you might have to take an aptitude or personality test. The recruiter wants to know more about your personality in relation to the role and company culture.  

  • Authenticity - What’s your background and aspirations/ goals - The recruiter wants to see whether you are good in person just as you are in your CV. For many candidates, this is where they fail. They aren’t genuine about who they really are or aren’t as clear as their career goals which then reflects during the interview. 

  • Interests - Recruiters may also want to know more about your interests or hobbies. Believe it or not, it helps to know which candidate has interests that may add value to the company. Are you a member of any professional club or do you have an entrepreneurial spirit?

  • Curiosity to learn - Other than having excellent skills, an ideal candidate needs to be willing and ready to learn. The curiosity to learn shows that the candidate wants to go the extra mile and know more about what it takes to get the job done. It also reveals those who are team players.

The interview and screening process

Many employers conduct preliminary interview to determine whether you’re a suitable candidate for the job. It includes the meeting between a job candidate and an interviewer who could be a human resource manager or a recruiter representing the employer. It happens in the following stages: 

Stage 1 

This is the first point of contact. The application screening is used to ascertain applicants’ skills and interests that match the role being applied for. This entails CV screening or application tests. This session serves as a way to shortlist candidates who’ll be called in for an interview. 

Stage 2 

This next stage is where the recruiter invites a candidate for an in-person or virtual interview and asks broad questions to get a better understanding of the applicant i.e. their academic qualifications, work experience, communication ability, and their interests. The recruiters want to get a sense of who you are as a person and determine if you will fit in with the company’s culture.  

Stage 3 

This is where the successful candidate advances to the next stage. The candidates have a detailed second interview with the recruiter or are forwarded to a senior hiring manager. The questions will be deeper and specific in relation to the profession. As a candidate, you should be able to demonstrate that you are well-equipped to deliver in the role. 

Stage 4 

The recruiter or employer does a culture fit check where the applicant is invited to meet the team e.g. over lunch or dinner. In this session, you’ll gain some in-depth knowledge about the company and how its system works. It’s almost like an orientation to get a feeling of the work environment. You’ll have the opportunity to meet potential co-workers during this time.   

Following up after the interview 

If you are a successful candidate, the employer will give you an offer. However, if you don’t get to hear back after the interview, you can reach out to follow up for feedback depending on the timelines shared. Ndolo advises that you should only reach out through official communication channels i.e. email or phone call after two weeks. While following up via email, keep it short and to the point. 

In conclusion

These tips are meant to help you be aware of what happens in the interview process. You need to also play your part by researching and practising your interview and communication skills to ensure you are articulate. Be sure to send a thank-you email to the interviewer within 24 hours of the interview. 

Let us know in the comments what you have learned so far about the interview process. 

Written by

Cindy Nyagah

Cindy Nyaga is a passionate writer with diverse skills and communications and media expertise. Her hobbies include; writing, volunteering and travelling.

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