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Life at Fuzu: The Big Reveal, Who is Ann from Fuzu?

Passion is key because, without passion, it is next to impossible to deliver or enjoy what you do.

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Passion is key because, without passion, it is next to impossible to deliver or enjoy what you do.

We are often asked, “What makes you different from other companies?” If you asked anyone who has interacted with Fuzu this question, they would consistently tell you it's its outstanding customer service.

We sometimes get so caught up with the day-to-day work that we forget to show ourselves to our audience. But we thought this would be a good time for you to meet ‘Ann from Fuzu’, our Head of Customer Experience. 

Ann Kitare has been our best brand ambassador and an embodiment of our value ‘we exceed customer expectations' over the years diligently supporting our users. The social impact enthusiast shared with us why she believes in having fun at what you do, read on to learn about her career at Fuzu. 

Tell us a little about your background?

My background is mainly in customer experience and I am very passionate about this field. The success or failure of any brand highly depends on the continued relationship with its customers. Passion is key because, without passion, it is next to impossible to deliver or enjoy what you do as we mostly deal with clients face to face. It involves going the extra mile in making sure a customer is happy and that we have delivered on our promise. 

What 3 character traits would you use to describe yourself? 

Extroversion - I do recharge from interacting with people and given that my role is mostly client-facing, it means I am always recharged. I am quite loud in the office as well and my colleagues can attest to this. 

I would also describe myself as very adaptable. This is something I have developed with time and it has really enabled me to embrace change in all areas of my life. 

I love humor too. The journey is as important as the destination and it’s always good to laugh a little. It keeps you young. 

Tell us the story of how the character ‘Ann from Fuzu’ came to be? 

We wanted to personalize the Fuzu experience for our career builders and ensure that we are delivering value at every step of the way. The goal was to have a career companion that supports and guides career builders throughout their journey. Fuzu is more than a career development platform, it is a place where dreams are realized. 

So we thought of having me ‘Ann ‘ as our career builders' career companion, her role is to handhold our users to make the dreams become a reality.  

What is the biggest risk you ever took professionally? 

At the beginning of my career I turned down a job in an established firm to come work for a start-up and it’s a decision I will never regret. One of the complaints I hear from my peers who work in more structured, corporate positions is that they are generally stuck with their main task and don’t get to branch out into other areas. Working at a start-up will allow you to try on a lot of different hats and in the process, you learn so much in such a short time. I’ve lost track of all the different tasks that I’ve been able to take part in when working at Fuzu. 

Being that person who interacts with employers on a daily basis, what do you project will happen industry-wide in terms of hiring over the next few months?

A lot of companies will be looking to hire quality talent as they seek to recover from the Covid Crisis. As a result, this is the best time for career builders to improve their Fuzu profiles to ensure they are being noticed by employers. 

What’s your proudest moment while at Fuzu?

There are a couple of them but my most memorable ones are calls we get from our career builders that they landed their dream job through Fuzu.  It is so fulfilling knowing that you made a difference in someone’s life. 

Rumour has it that you like to travel. What’s the most memorable place you’ve been to and what else do you enjoy most when you’re not working? 

Yes, I do love traveling and Las Vegas was the most memorable experience and in particular watching the fountains of Bellagio. I love reading a lot as well.


Want to know what it is like to work at Fuzu? Check out our LIfe at Fuzu series.

Written by

Kelvin Mokaya

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