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Red Flags to Look Out for While Interviewing for a Job

During a job interview, remember you are not only there just to look for a job opening, but also you are there to assess the work environment, whether it is conducive and desirable for you. You should pay more attention to how the hiring manager speaks and relates with other staff.

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During a job interview, remember you are not only there just to look for a job opening, but also you are there to assess the work environment, whether it is conducive and desirable for you. You should pay more attention to how the hiring manager speaks and relates with other staff.

Photo credit: gpointstudio

After successfully applying for a job, the next step is nailing the interview. However, a successful interview process is dependent on both the interviewer and interviewee. An interview is an extreme sport where you should pay attention to how the interviewer conducts themselves during the assessment. Without proper preparation, you may miss out on tiny observations regarding the working environment of the prospective employer.

The following are some of the red flags you should look out for while interviewing for a job.

1. Bad first impression

What is your first instinct when you step into the interview room? Your gut feeling can reveal more beyond the observation. Having a first negative impression of your employer should be enough to turn back before it is too late. Be choosy because you will soon be committing most of your time working for that employer.

2. Inflexible salary negotiation

Salary negotiation is never about how much you can get, but also what other benefits you can get. Ask the hiring manager whether there may be other compensation aside from salary when you are hired. The compensation might include, disability, life, and health insurance, tuition reimbursement, and education assistance, as well as retirement benefits. If the hiring manager hints that the only benefit you may get is limited to monthly salary, you may weigh your options.  A company with inflexible salary negotiation may likely suggest that the employees are less appreciated.

3. Poor interaction with employees

The interview gives you the chance to scan through the work environment. You get to know how the boss interacts with his/her employees. Are the employees focused on their duties? Do the employees keep their heads down when the employer walks in? If the hiring manager takes long to answer why they like working with the company, this should serve as a red flag.

4. The hiring process is slow

It should not take long for the company to give you feedback about the job interview. If the hiring process is slow, it could show how disorganized the company is. Moreover, it could portray insufficient investment in the hiring culture or it may imply that the company is understaffed. If they are interviewing more candidates, they should take the liberty to inform you that you will soon be contacted once the interviews are over. Consequently, when they take long to get back to you, you should consider making a follow-up.

5. Numerous interview reschedules

The interviewers should put as much effort into attending interviews as you did. However, when the interviews get rescheduled without a valid reason, or your calls get dodged, close that door. It shows a lack of respect and commitment to candidates who have invested their energy and time. One reschedule should be cool, but take the cue when you are given other reasons to be concerned.

6. Impolite treatment for the interviewer

Is the interviewer friendly? A warm welcome? No? You know you are in the wrong place when the interviewer is unnecessarily rude to you. Understandably, they may have a bad day, but a consistent display of foul attitude towards you is a red flag. Maybe that is just their nature, and you would not want to work with people throwing insults at you. Good employers try to make you feel at home. Interviewers are expected to put their best foot forward during the interview process. 

7. The interviewer is not well-prepared

The interviewer should invest just as much time as you did to prepare for the interview. The interviewer showing up late for the appointment shows their lack of commitment. Furthermore, not reading your resume shows that they are not serious, and you should avoid working for them. 

8. Vague answers to your questions

The interviewer should address the questions you have about the position and role you are applying for in the company. Moreover, they should explain their expectations, the history of the role, and its impact on the company. Asking direct questions should get you direct answers. If the employer beats around the bush, they are probably hiding something. Moreover, the interviewer should not dominate the conversation and should give you room to talk and contribute. Otherwise, it is a sign that your employers will not hear your voice in the long run.

In some companies, salary discussions might be deemed inappropriate. You might want to stay away from such companies. Such companies have the take-it-or-leave-it mentality and only rely on their offer to the candidate. This should serve as a red flag of the antiquated culture.

In conclusion, If the working environment is not appealing to you, save yourself the struggles that follow after you have acquired the job. Avoiding these red flags will help you evade work stress, depression, and a toll on your general well-being. To help boost your confidence, Fuzu offers tailored courses on how to prepare for a successful job application process.

Written by

Phil Ibsen

Phill Ibsen is a creative writer, scriptwriter and a storyteller who believes in telling the story as it is and not as it should be. He is the founder of Master of Descriptions, a production company which aims in showcasing authentic stories. He’s also an affiliate writer at the Writers Guild.

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