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Want to Become a Successful Manager? Start by Becoming an Effective Coach With These 10 Tips

Does your team struggle with meeting business objectives? Become a successful manager by working on effective coaching. Let's help you get started.

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Does your team struggle with meeting business objectives? Become a successful manager by working on effective coaching. Let's help you get started.


A team is only as strong as its weakest link. If your team is struggling and pulling the organization down, sorry to say this, you could be their weakest link. How do you get your team to contribute to the company's success? The only way you can become a successful manager is by effective coaching.

What are effective coaching skills for managers?

Effective coaching skills are the soft skills you need to help your team. It involves providing guidance and motivation to your team members to help them achieve their goals. Management positions involve a lot of coaching and mentoring. Becoming a successful manager has less to do with managing projects and delegating tasks and more with effective coaching. The more skilled and trained your employees are, the more efficient and successful your department or business will be. 


Why are effective coaching skills essential for managers?


  • It helps boost the morale of the team. Motivating and inspiring team members are part of your job. If you do it right, you will increase the team's morale and create a positive workplace culture.

  • It increases the productivity of the workplace. Become a successful manager by helping your team perform their duties better and within the deadline.

  • Team members will achieve new goals. Setting goals is an integral part of effective coaching. When you have strong, effective coaching skills, your members will meet the company goals and even come up with new and better goals for themselves and the company.

  • Your team will qualify for promotions or advanced positions. Coaching skills will help you train your members for advanced roles or new tasks.


Here are 10 tips for effective coaching to become a successful manager

1. Communication

As a coach, the key to becoming a successful manager is to learn how to ask open-ended questions. Instead of doing all the talking during meetings, try asking questions that will spark a discussion. Ask questions that help your team step away from the occasional one-word answers. Additionally, pay attention to the verbal and non-verbal communication of your team. Their body language speaks volumes.

2. Emotional Intelligence (EQ)

On a scale of 1-10, how close are you to your team members? Are you able to understand their feelings and react to them properly? Effective coaching is stressful and frightening for most employees, and managers need to be aware of this. To become a successful manager, you will have to:


  • Make your team members feel confident in their abilities.

  • Calm your team down, especially during stressful scenarios.

  • Connect with your team members and create an effective work relationship.

For example, managers need to individually connect with their employees so that they can understand their learning processes. Some people need more time to understand concepts before they execute. Once you single out such an employee, you can create a workable task deadline that matches theirs through the process. 

3. Active listening 

As you become a successful manager, you will realize that effective coaching has nothing to do with the coach. All the focus is on the people you are coaching. You will struggle as a coach if you cannot effectively listen to your team. Focus on the team and listen to what they have to say. You will be shocked at how talented and visionary your team members are. Listen to their needs, thoughts, and structures and use this to create a coaching model that works for your team. Take this opportunity to figure out their strengths, weaknesses, talents, and skills.

4. Feedback 

People can't grow without feedback. Employee feedback is one of those things you can't run away from as a manager. The journey to improvement starts with going back to the drawing board and retracing your steps. Provisioning effective feedback in real time is vital for effective coaching. You should recognize and celebrate their achievements rather than dishing out feedback in real time. 

With the ever-demanding responsibilities of a manager, we understand that staying on top of your effective coaching skills may take a toll on you. However, never undermine the power of giving positive feedback to your team. Sometimes you will have to give negative feedback, and we encourage you to practice empathy while doing it. Some team members can take on negative feedback, while others can't. Therefore, you need to learn how to give negative feedback without making it seem like a personal attack.

5. Self-awareness

This is the ability to learn about yourself and reflect on your habits and preferences. When you become a successful manager, you will spend most of your time reflecting on your team's leadership abilities and skills. What are your strengths? What areas of your expertise need some work? As a manager, you spend all your time figuring out how to improve others, and it's so easy to neglect their skills, strengths, and needs. 

For example, as you reflect and realize that you are returning to giving feedback in a less empathetic way, you can take time to learn how to give feedback effectively.

6. Persistence

When faced with a challenge, how do you overcome it? Do you take time to plan, or do you just charge against and plan as you go? The path to becoming a successful manager has its ups and downs. You have to be ready for all of it. Your persistence is what will motivate your team members to keep going. They will be inspired to do the same when they see how much effort you put in.

Additionally, effective coaching takes time and effort. Holding the hands of your team members requires a lot of persistence. Staying patient enough to teach and guide someone to perform their tasks is part of effective coaching.

7. Goal-setting skills

To have an effective coaching session, you need to have clear goals. Otherwise, your team members will walk away feeling more confused and unmotivated than before. Become a successful manager by setting goals that are time-bound and measurable. Creating metrics will help your team to be accountable for the learning process. 

Create goals for yourself, the team, and individual employees. Make sure the goals are achievable and specific enough to comprehend. Include some performance measurements and deadlines that are workable by specific teams and individuals. This way, the employees are accountable and can know whether they have achieved the goals. Use this to monitor everyone's progress, track the results, and refine the goals (if necessary).

8. Transparency

You should lead by example as a leader. Being transparent creates a sense of trust and ensures everyone is on the same page. Transparency creates a company culture that opens communication channels and improves employee engagement.

9. Motivation

Now that you know your team's strengths, weaknesses, skills, and talents, it's time to help them put these skills, strengths, and talents to use. When delegating, allocate tasks according to their capabilities. Make sure that the tasks will help them apply their knowledge and skills, and it will help them develop in their areas of interest. For example, you can let them lead a project or push them to take the lead on a client call or meeting. The more autonomy they get, the more they will feel responsible and have the chance to show their abilities and trust.

Apart from allowing them to take charge, you become a successful manager by continuously checking in regularly. Use this time to get feedback, listen to their ideas, and guide them in executing these ideas.

10. Pave the way for success

What have you done as a manager to create a path for success for the team? There are so many materials, strategies, resources, software, and training opportunities that you can encourage your team to maximize. Now that you know the strengths and talents of your team, you can encourage them to improve their skills and increase their knowledge. 



As a manager, it seems easier to order your team around and tell them what to do. However, this will not set them up for success. It will instead increase co-dependency and reduce their confidence in their abilities. You have to make time and live and breathe the idea of coaching to become a successful manager. Turn it into a mindset where you believe your success is directly connected to your team's success. 

Are you working to become a successful manager? Tell us how you plan to apply the ten effective coaching skills above.

Written by

Lilian Nerima Musonge

Nerima Musonge is a Lawyer who is passionate about Content Creation and Copywriting. She is constantly trying to broaden her artistic pursuits and find out how they can integrate with the law. When she is not squinting behind a laptop, she is mothering, cracking jokes, and living her best life

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