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Time for a Career Change? This is How a Stepping-Stone Job Can Help You Transition

Have you thought about a career change but have no idea how to do it? Getting a stepping-stone job is one of the things you should consider. We'll tell you why.

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Have you thought about a career change but have no idea how to do it? Getting a stepping-stone job is one of the things you should consider. We'll tell you why.


Are you sitting on the fence when it comes to your career? You are not alone. So many people are not sure what career path they want to take. The good news is that your confusion has set in early enough for you to do something about it. Making a huge career change takes courage and a lot of resources to do. However, you don't have to strain your pockets and risk everything as you figure it out. There is a stepping-stone job out there that can help you move in the right career path.


What is a stepping-stone job?

This is a flexible and temporary role that could be part-time, contract, or freelance work. The job lets you have financial stability and enough time to focus on the areas you are passionate about and figure out what you want.


What are the benefits of getting a stepping-stone job?


  • It is flexible enough to give you the space and time to experiment with different careers. The beauty of a stepping-stone job is you get to dip your feet in many industries to know which best suits you.

  • You have the time to volunteer in new industries and jobs to add to your experience in your resume.

  • If you start your own business, a stepping-stone role will help you work on your business without pressuring it to sustain you immediately. You have the luxury of giving your business time to grow.

  • Are you stressed at your current job? Well, a stepping-stone job might be what you need to de-stress and get out of that toxic work environment. Its flexibility allows you to work without pressure as you figure out your next career change steps.

  • If you are in a hurry to make a career change, a stepping-stone job will allow you to get immediate change and will maintain your motivation throughout your career transition.


How do you find a stepping-stone job?

The first thing you have to do when trying to find a stepping-stone job is to drop any boundaries set for your career change. The next thing is to understand what a stepping-stone job looks like so that you can identify what works for you. The key features of a stepping-stone job are:


  • It should offer you enough financial support to focus on your career change. Thus, it should sustain you as you taste the waters.

  • It should be flexible enough to give you time to experiment, volunteer, and stretch through different roles. The less stress and pressure you have during your career change, the better.


3 tips for getting the right stepping-stone job

1. To get the right stepping-stone job, evaluate your skills. Which of your skills can land you a flexible or part-time stepping-stone job? Write down your skills to get a better picture of your expertise.

2. Ask around. Use your network of friends and family to get referrals to flexible or part-time roles that match your skill set. If any specific industry appeals to you, find out who in your network works there. Ask them to refer you to any available stepping-stone jobs in the industry.

3. Which job would you enjoy doing? This is the time to try it out. If you have been eyeing a job that you consider stress-free and enjoyable, what’s stopping you from applying for it? You can try your luck and earn money as you pursue your career change.


What are the risks of a stepping-stone role? Can you avoid them?


  • Failing 

If you are used to having a permanent and stable career path, settling for a stepping-stone might seem scary. So, how do you prevent failure? By planning your career change transition. Get a stepping-stone job you can work in for as long as you need to. Plan your transition process and give it a time frame. Use your free time to plan your career change and execute it.


  • Family confusion

Your loved ones care about you. Therefore, prepare for the shock and confusion they will get when you tell them about your career change plans. Let them open up about their concerns and consider them when making your transition. Getting your loved ones on board will lift the weight off your shoulders and allow you to proceed with your transition smoothly.


  • Lack of motivation

If you are leaving a 9-5 job, nothing will prepare you for the shock of having all that free time in your hands. With your friends and family going on about their 9-5, it might be easy to slip into demotivation. With the help of a mentor or career coach, you will stay on track and transition smoothly from your stepping-stone job to your dream career.


  • Financial strain

Since a stepping-stone job is flexible and allows you to pursue other dreams, it might not offer a stable income. Therefore, you need to figure out how you are going to pay your bills during the transition. If you are planning to use your savings to cover the rest of the bills, you should budget to ensure that you don’t get into debt. Alternatively, choose full-time jobs that have flexible hours because they pay better than part-time jobs.



A stepping-stone job can be the best way to make a career change. With this temporary transitioning plan, you can have enough time and space to be creative, learn new skills, build, and experiment with your ideas. Let us know in the comments below which stepping-stone job you want to transition with to your next career.

Written by

Lilian Nerima Musonge

Nerima Musonge is a Lawyer who is passionate about Content Creation and Copywriting. She is constantly trying to broaden her artistic pursuits and find out how they can integrate with the law. When she is not squinting behind a laptop, she is mothering, cracking jokes, and living her best life

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