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4 useful worklife skills taught by fatherhood

Fatherhood is one of the toughest, and also most rewarding, jobs where you get to develop multiple skills often directly applicable to your work.

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Fatherhood is one of the toughest, and also most rewarding, jobs where you get to develop multiple skills often directly applicable to your work.

When talking about parenting and work, the discussion usually evolves around the challenges in combining the two. It’s definitely true that it can be tough to balance the time between responsibilities towards family as well as work. However, the connection of parenthood and successes in working life often get less mention. Many fatherhood-acquired skills and characteristics can benefit the work place. Fathers are often seen as reliable and hard-working employees.

Fatherhood is one of the toughest, and also most rewarding, jobs where you get to develop multiple skills often directly applicable to your work. Fathers learn to excel for example in:


Getting your message across to your kids is something that sometimes involves complex negotiation patterns. As a father you will also co-operate with teachers, nurses and other professionals whose client you and your children are. 


Think running late from work while having to persuade a cranky 2 year-old to get dressed… As a father you will learn how to manage your workload and deadlines on time, as you need to be punctual in getting your kids to and from the nursery and school.

Keeping your cool under pressure

With kids you will learn to keep your cool and handle their spontaneous misbehavior and tantrums with humour. Though your co-workers probably won’t through themselves on the office floor in a crying fit, you will benefit from similar diplomacy when dealing with people in the workplace.


Kids come with a price tag. Having kids will make you more mindful of how your family finances are spent. Thus, fathers can utilize their financial planning and budgeting skills also in the work place.


Happy Fathers’ Day!

Written by

Paula Holst

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