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Adding These In- Demand Skills to Your CV Could be The Key to Getting Hired

Feeling like you've missed more than enough chances to get hired? Adding these 4 in-demand skills to your CV could solve the problem.

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Feeling like you've missed more than enough chances to get hired? Adding these 4 in-demand skills to your CV could solve the problem.


It is just the beginning of a new year yet it feels like you’re calling it quits on your dream job because your CV is not making it through the door. What is missing? Should I add this? Or remove this? All these are good questions to start with while you figure out the real problem. Have you ever wondered why your first thought when you see a job advert is to look up to the required skills? It is simple, we know what recruiters are more interested in - the skills you are bringing to the table.

Therefore, it's therefore about time you highlight these in-demand skills on your CV to help you get through the door.

1. IT skills

Working in IT could look like solving employees' technical issues to programming the company’s new cloud infrastructure. However, there is a diversity of skills needed in such a position, if you want your CV to stand out, these are the in-demand skills that could get you a role in IT: 


  • Cybersecurity: In an Era of fast-developing technology, cybersecurity is now everyone's concern, how can companies protect their interests while meeting their consumers’ needs? Highlighting this as a critical skill on your CV will draw the recruiter's attention.

  • Web design and web hosting: As the consumer market grows digital, employers are looking for people to help them grow their market. Do not miss out on the selection, showcase this skill on your CV.

  • Artificial intelligence: Can you help automate responses on the company's web pages? If yes, this is one of the skills you should mention in your CV.


2. Administrative skills


  • Interpersonal skills: These include non-verbal and verbal communication, the ability to handle and solve conflicts, teamwork and empathy. Do you tick off all these? Add this to your skill section. 

  • Organisation skills: Handling an administrative role will need you to be topnotch at how you handle outbound and inbound communication, scheduling and preparation of meetings, organising office equipment and inventory, and so many other assigned tasks. Highlighting this skill on your CV could make you a potential hire. 


3. Marketing skills


  • Sales skills: This we cannot second guess. A good elevator pitch will definitely highlight the level at which you hone this skill, but the first thing is for your CV to make it through the door. Be sure to highlight this in your skill section. 

  • Negotiation: This skill cuts across several roles. The importance of having negotiation as a skill can at times be understated. The power to negotiate is beyond getting new customers or increasing sales, it helps you create valuable contracts with suppliers, customers and even investors. 

  • Customer service: This comes in high demand across several positions. The ability for one to understand and meet the needs of a customer as well as ensure their satisfaction is required. This is a skill that will land you a sure interview. Applying for a customer service job?  Check out this article for more guidelines.


4. Other creative in-demand skills

Are you applying for creative jobs, these key skills could increase your chances of being hired: 


  • SEO optimisation: While applying for a writing role, this skill set comes in high demand. 

  • Animation: The ability to use animation has greatly added colour to the marketing industry. When you possess such a skill that gives life to adverts used, then you will be highly desired. 

  • Content writing: Captivating and engaging content about a company's products or services contributes highly to its revenue growth. Having such a skill attracts recruiters looking for a candidate with this advantage. 

  • Digital marketing: This could be the skill that everyone needs to have right now, be it for your work or personal business; the economy surely thrives when we embrace technology. Recruiters too are looking for individuals who have the ability to adapt to changes as they arise. 


Highlighting your skills is more than just listing them out, especially when it comes to the style of your CV falls. For instance, for fresh graduates, your skills section will be more elaborate as you prove to the recruiter that you can handle the job in question even with less or no experience. To more experienced professionals, highlighting a core skill while you show off your experience could still get you noticed.

Develop your skills through continuous learning and grow your experience as well. Having both will help you stand out from the thousands of applicants. Skills not only get you hired, but they also future-proof your career. 

Written by

Mercy Mukisa

Hey there, I'm Mercy Mukisa, a Senior HR Officer writing to you from the lively heart of Uganda. Writing is my way of contributing to the professional community, grounded in the belief that knowledge is the key to empowerment. In the dynamic field of HR, I'm not just a participant; I see it as a privilege to share the insights and experiences gathered along the way. It's not just about the job; it's a commitment to enhancing your professional journey. So, let's navigate through the pages of my articles together, aiming for a balanced and insightful exploration of empowerment and growth.

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