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Celebrating the women at Fuzu, Rachael Odhiambo

As a woman leader, there is the pressure to represent all women and be smart while doing it. Not that I let it get to me, but society has the perception that when a woman fails in leadership, she is a representation that all women leaders will fail you know.

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As a woman leader, there is the pressure to represent all women and be smart while doing it. Not that I let it get to me, but society has the perception that when a woman fails in leadership, she is a representation that all women leaders will fail you know.

Can one (directing this to my fellow male species) compliment a woman without sounding sexist or patronizing? I believe you can! Don’t you think #TimesUp for those who drop compliments like, “You’ve done a great job despite being a woman.”

It’s time we start admiring and appreciating women for their skills and achievements. We are doing just that this International Women’s Day. Celebrating our very own boss lady who gets the job done, Rachael Odhiambo, Operations Manager.

There have been great strides taken to ensure women rise to the top and have equal opportunities compared to men. Do you think this is enough?

Despite the strides made, women still struggle for equal opportunities and these changes are yet to be embraced by many. Particularly in our country, where there are constant debates on women representation, as well as the implementation of the two-thirds gender rule. However, I can appreciate the men who in their own way understand the challenges faced by women and have begun spearheading the change wave to ensure women have equal growth opportunities.

What do you think makes a woman iconic?    

I believe each woman is iconic in their own unique way. I once sat in a class where the professor said if you have a business idea, share it with a woman and watch it grow. I am not saying men kill ideas but women’s nurturing nature, gentleness, selflessness etc. are some of the things that make women iconic.  

What makes Fuzu the ideal place for any woman to work at?

I could go on an endless rant about this because there is so much I could talk about but top of my head is the equal growth opportunities accorded to both men and women. Career development is one of the key fundamentals on which Fuzu is built on and as a company, it strives to ensure that this is actualized for everyone.    

As a mother, raising a daughter today can be quite difficult. How do you do it?

It starts with me as a mother, as my daughter’s first role model, I must exemplify the characteristics that I desire to see my daughter take up and hopefully she can be able to carry them with her on her life’s journey.

Managing a career and a family leaves many women frazzled. How do you strike a balance between the two?

Having a work-life balance is extremely important. Once you have defined this, it is important that you adhere to it, so as not be frazzled.  Personally, I try to ensure that I adhere to my work-life balance ration and when I fall short, I will make sure to make up for the other in one way or the other.

You are a woman in leadership, what is that like for you.

To be honest, it’s both challenging and exciting. As a woman leader, there is the pressure to represent all women and be smart while doing it. Not that I let it get to me, but society has the perception that when a woman fails in leadership, she is a representation that all women leaders will fail you know.

That’s why we see most women – me included – view the likes of Michelle Obama, Oprah Winfrey, Serena Williams and Sheryl Sandberg as role models and authorities in their own space. They have made it in their own way. And that’s what every woman aspires to do.

Although challenging, I have the most supportive male colleagues who, in another lifetime, I’d still choose to work with.

Word has it that Fuzu has got the best gentlemen. How true is this?

Haha. Please, define being a gentleman? Yes, they are. In their own little ways. 

Written by

Kelvin Mokaya

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