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From cashier to systems auditor and trainer; Rose Makena Big Square

Give it your best and everything else will follow.

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Give it your best and everything else will follow.

Professional growth is a critical component of a satisfying career. But not many people are lucky enough to work for employers who are willing to take a chance on them by providing growth opportunities. Rose Makena is one of the lucky few. Having joined Big Square in 2013, Rose has worked her way up from being a cashier to a stock controller and now systems auditor and trainer- where her passion lies.

We had a chat with this soft-spoken soul to find out why she’s passionate about her career and Big Square.

Tell us about yourself.

My Name is Rose Makena, I’m the Systems Auditor and the Systems Trainer.

What sparked off your interest in accounting or systems audit to be specific?

I studied accounting but got attracted to systems audit because it’s accounting on the system instead of the normal accounting spreadsheets.

Tell us about your accounting career leading up to your current role as an auditor at Big Square.

I started as a cashier at Big Square in November 2013 and was very good with cash management. Then I moved to become a stock controller in 2015. I was good at stock management in particular stock costing and because of that I got moved to auditing.

How have your experiences in previous roles contributed to your success in your current role?

As a cashier, I was dealing with cash and the way I used to manage cash helped me understand all the procedures that I needed to know. I’m also very passionate about what I do so I always give it my best. My passion lies with auditing because my accounting skills and experience have helped me be the best at it.

Describe a typical day of work for you.

I usually come in at 8.00 AM and log in to the head office system and check all the branches. I confirm that they have all updated their systems because they have to update for back up. I also check the stock movement in the system and in case of anything, I call them. I basically keep the processes in check so it’s my job to be curious.

What do you wish you knew before you started your career in accounting?

If I knew I would end up in auditing, I would have majored in it instead of accounting.

Everyone hates career stagnation; how do you keep your career on a forward momentum?

I love trying out knew things. So, if I get an opportunity I give it my best so that I can get another opportunity going forward.

Can you share with us some of your professional goals that you have for the future?

When I started as a cahier, someone saw the potential in me. I would also like to give back in future by mentoring someone and helping them be what they want to be. At the moment my department is small and won’t enable me to groom 4 to 5 young people.

What’s your biggest driver of success?

I am mother of two and I love to give the best and I need to work hard to provide for them. My directors motivate me as well to work hard and go out of my way.

How has BS helped in nurturing your skills?

I’m so thankful to Big Square for such an opportunity. They normally see the potentially in people. Big Square recognised my hard work and supported me to become better. 

What are the qualities that one should have as a trainer?

To be a trainer you must be patient because some trainees are slow learners, you have to be like a role model and practise what you teach others. You also need to be proactive and observant.

Advise to guys hoping to start a career in auditing

I would say that passion goes a long way. Don’t let other factors like money determine your passion. Give it your best and everything else will follow.

Which is the best team at Big Square?

The best team is the Central Stores Department, they do production. They are very good at reporting.

Written by

Kelvin Mokaya

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