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How I’ve gotten the best out of Fuzu and what it takes to be a good HR; Lisa Kenyangi.

What caught my attention was the personal touch to the continuous personalized emails which created a sense of belonging.

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What caught my attention was the personal touch to the continuous personalized emails which created a sense of belonging.

My name is Lisa Kenyangi. I am a Human Resource Officer at Samasource. I’m passionate about leaving footprints in people’s lives. I always go an extra mile just to achieve that, and I love people. 

I first discovered FUZU about a year and a half ago when a friend sent me a link to a job she thought I was qualified for; at the time I was not actively looking for a job because I had just started to settle in the job I had. Nonetheless I opened the link which led me to the FUZU website where I was prompted to create an account, which I did. I then looked at the job but didn’t apply.

The next day I got a welcome email from the CEO, Jussi Hinkkanen telling me about the availability of career coaching, free courses and tests on the platform (‘who doesn’t like free things?” I thought). But what caught my attention was the personal touch to the continuous personalized emails which created a sense of belonging. So, I went ahead and completed my profile, uploaded my CV, took the “free” personality test which helped me understand my strengths and my areas of improvement all this is available on the FUZU platform. I started getting daily updates about available jobs in my field of work; I then picked interest in applying. Consequently, I have managed to get over 3 offers through Fuzu and I accepted one which is my current job.

Previously, my biggest challenge was posting of unavailable jobs commonly known as “ghost jobs” by different recruitment companies. This not only demotivates the other candidates but also creates self-doubt in candidates who keep the attitude of you-have-to-know someone to get a job regardless of your qualifications. FUZU has helped in posting legit jobs which level the job competition ground for everyone ready to put their best foot forward in their career. It is on this very ground that I managed to get over 3 job offers.

I’d love to share some best practices with you being one of the users who has successfully gotten a job through Fuzu. When it comes to writing CVs and Cover letters: -

  • Make sure every little detail is polished to perfection. You may have to fold your sleeves and get your reading glasses but once you are done it will totally be worth it.

  • Take advantage of platforms like FUZU help you generate up to standard CVs.

When it comes to job interviews, the good news is that you have made it to the shortlist. It means you are qualified regardless of your score. What’s left is nailing the interview by impressing your interviewers.

  • First, one needs to have a clear understanding of the role (technical knowledge) and its required skillset. Be confident and comfortable at the same time while expressing yourself, this comes with believing in yourself. 

  • Secondly, doing a drill of all the possible questions that can be asked. You can do this with a friend or a professional in your field of work. This drill will help you in coming up with better articulate responses so that you don’t have to take a lot of time trying to recollect your responses during the interview. It also helps you not to stammer or look clueless and gives you an edge.

  • Lastly and most importantly, you need all the positive energy that you can get. No one wants to hire a depressed or negative person who seems ready to take than. Personally, I like to pray and have the faith that I carry an answer to every question.

This year I’m planning to challenge myself more this year by studying, reading and experimenting more to increase my knowledge, qualifications and exposure.

Being a good Human Resource takes more than just having the technical knowledge. It takes being empathetic, having integrity, ability to make quick decisions with clear judgement, being socially responsible, ability to communicate effectively to mention but a few.

I would recommend FUZU to my peers without hesitation because it is user friendly not only helps one get their desired job but has content that helps coach and build one their career.

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Written by

Kelvin Mokaya

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