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When the going gets tough, turn to Fuzu

We can’t tell you that you are having a better or worse job search experience than somebody else or you’ll get the exact job you are looking for. But we can tell you that you’ve been searching in the wrong places all along if not on Fuzu.

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We can’t tell you that you are having a better or worse job search experience than somebody else or you’ll get the exact job you are looking for. But we can tell you that you’ve been searching in the wrong places all along if not on Fuzu.

I’m sure one thing we can agree on is that saying the job search process is hard is an understatement. We are all wired differently, for some this excruciating process puts them through teary and bang your head on the wall moments. Oh, don’t forget about the difficult people you deal with as a job seeker. Or the friends you thought you could count on but never return your calls.

We can’t tell you that you are having a better or worse job search experience than somebody else or you’ll get the exact job you are looking for. But we can tell you that you’ve been searching in the wrong places all along if not on Fuzu.

The rejection and never hearing back

After finishing campus, most graduates envision themselves landing their dream job almost immediately and making a mark in the corporate world. Months later they realize how unwelcoming the job market is and end up applying for any job out of desperation.

You might be thinking you are looking for a stepping stone towards your dream job but that’s how you start attracting rejection. Why would an employer hire you for a role that you are not fit for? On Fuzu, you’ll get job recommendations that match your skills and career interest. This will help you not be a serial job applicant.

The worst part of the job search process is never hearing back from the companies you applied to. With Fuzu’s Instant Feedback, you’ll be able to compare to other applicants by education, skills and experience. It enables you to view the top 5 best CVs (without their names and contact details) when the deadline closes to help you get tips on what you should improve on in your CV to position yourself better.

Avoid running out of options

Using traditional methods to job search will frustrate you and you’ll eventually run out of places to look and jobs to apply to. Fuzu provides you with options across multiple industries as well as renews your drive by giving you insight into the job market.

Sign up now and start searching smart!

Written by

Kelvin Mokaya

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